Multimodal Transport | Omida Logistics

Multimodal Transport

Find out more about the modes of transport. Check out the most popular transport services and choose the one that suits your business.

Multimodal transport is the transport of goods using two or more types of transport in safe and optimized way. Check Omida Logistics' offer.

Multimodal transport is the transport of goods using two or more types of transport in safe and optimized way. Check Omida Logistics' offer. | Omida Logistics

Multimodal transport is the carriage of goods using two or more types of transport. We are able to transport loads from any industry.

For customers, multimodal transport is a great solution because it is one of the elements of the complex process of transporting goods from various industries. Importantly - the transport of cargo in multimodal transport takes place on the basis of one contract.

It is worth mentioning that multimodal transport is divided into: combined transport and intermodal transport.

Safety of multimodal transport

At Omida, regardless of the type of transport, we ensure the safety of loading, unloading and transport at a specified time. Our forwarders always plan the optimal route and take care of the appropriate selection of the transport service.

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