Rail Transport | Omida Logistics

Rail Transport

Find out more about the modes of transport. Check out the most popular transport services and choose the one that suits your business.

Are you looking for rail transport for your goods? We offer loading and unloading of goods at railway terminals. Choose Omida Logistics

Are you looking for rail transport for your goods? We offer loading and unloading of goods at railway terminals. Choose Omida Logistics | Omida Logistics

We offer loading and unloading of goods at railway terminals. We have at our clients' disposal:

  • a wagon with an open roof
  • a special construction wagon
  • a cistern wagon
  • coal wagon
  • platform wagon on trolleys
  • a special construction wagon

Rail transport - advantages

Rail transport is primarily greener. The advantages of rail transport include:

  • lower price
  • high load capacity
  • high availability.
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