CSR | Educational Activity The Grade

The Grade | Omida Logistics

The Grade is an initiative to prepare high school students for their adult life. Mentors from Omida Group not only help participants to undertake appropriate studies, but also take an active part in the development of young people and shaping their values. They also show how to plan your future and convey new skills and character. It is during the regular meetings organized by The Grade that important topics for every teenager are raised. Project mentors include Bartłomiej Glinka (CEO Omida Group) and Marek Rostkowski (CEO Omida Group).

We believe that thanks to various activities, presentations of professions and individual mentoring, young men shape their character and learn responsibility in: marriage and fatherhood, professional work, responsible citizenship, friendship with family, colleagues, neighbors and God. The value of the project is made up of valuable people who spend time so that young people can consciously decide about their future before choosing the right path of development.

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