Industrial Transport | Omida Logistics

Industrial Transport

Find out more about the modes of transport. Check out the most popular transport services and choose the one that suits your business.

In Omida, we offer high quality services and punctuality. We offer transport services for the industrial sector. Check our offer.

In Omida, we offer high quality services and punctuality. We offer transport services for the industrial sector. Check our offer. | Omida Logistics

In Omida, we offer high quality services and punctuality. We can transport your goods by road, intermodal, sea, air and rail transport. Find out what will be the best form of transport for your goods.

Transportation service for industries

We provide transport for various industries. We offer transport for the food industry, including the transport of: fruit and vegetables, drinks and meat. We transport bread as well as loads from the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

We offer transport for the paper industry, as well as glass, wood and metal.

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