ADR transport | Omida Logistics

ADR transport

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The transport of hazardous materials (gasoline, gas, phosphorus) is called ADR transport. Find out what materials we can transport for you.

The transport of hazardous materials (gasoline, gas, phosphorus) is called ADR transport. Find out what materials we can transport for you. | Omida Logistics

ADR is short for „Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par route” and means in English „European agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road”.

ADR Transport means transport in terms of the transportation of dangerous goods.

In Omida, we have carried out many transports of ADR materials throughout the country and abroad.

ADR materials are:

  • Gases - danger: corrosive, poisonous, flammable, e.g. chlorine, propane-butane cylinder
  • Flammable liquids - hazard: flammable, e.g. petrol
  • Flammable solids - danger: flammable, explosive, e.g. sulfur, matches, rubber
  • Self-igniting materials, e.g. white phosphorus
  • Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases, e.g. carbide, sodium
  • Oxidizing materials - danger: contain an excess of oxygen, aggravating the fire, e.g. potassium permanganate
  • Organic peroxides, e.g. white phosphorus
  • Toxic substances - danger: lethal poisoning, e.g. potassium cyanide, arsenic
  • Infectious substances - hazard: cause epidemic or disease,

e.g. medical waste

  • Radioactive materials - hazard: irradiation,

e.g. alpha, beta, gamma radiation

  • Corrosive substances - danger: they destroy membranes and skin, e.g. acids
  • Various hazardous materials and objects - hazard: various, which makes it difficult to classify, e.g. asbestos, polystyrene, asphalt
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