CSR | Omida Logistics


Omida has been supporting social and cultural activities for many years. Discover the areas supported by one of the most recognizable TFL organizations - Omida Logistics Sp. z o.o.

What CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility means?

Social responsibility is a key factor in Omida's strategy. Therefore, in our daily work and strategic plans, we want to combine the achievement of business goals with activities that respond to the diverse needs of everyone: employees, customers, business partners and shareholders.

CSR activities of Omida Logistics Sp. z o.o.

Corporate social responsibility is a business approach that contributes to sustainable development by providing economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders. Corporate social responsibility, or CSR for short, covers various sectors such as education, health, environmental sustainability, community development and rural development. Details of the CSR projects carried out by Omida Logistics Sp. z o.o. are given below. In recent years.


Realization of social goals impossible to achieve without business support


High quality of social facilities

Support forCulture

Cultural support for local communities

Work forCharity

Helping those in need disinterestedly

Professional Development andTraining

Constant professional development thanks to the availability of training

Youth Development andEducation

Involvement in education and youth development

Care for theEnvironment

Limiting the negative impact of enterprises on the environment

Managing theWaste

Rational management of natural resources and waste


Involving business partners in the chain of environmental responsibility and initiating joint pro-ecological activities

Dog Picnic | Omida Logistics
Dog Picnic Charity Support
Heroes' Gala | Omida Logistics
Heroes' Gala Culture Support
First Gray Hair | Omida Logistics
First Gray Hair Culture Support
Columbus High School | Omida Logistics
Columbus High School Educational Activity
The Avenue | Omida Logistics
The Avenue Educational Activity
The Grade | Omida Logistics
The Grade Educational Activity
Columbus Academy | Omida Logistics
Columbus Academy Educational Activity
WAJDA, Man from Gdańsk | Omida Logistics
WAJDA, Man from Gdańsk Exhibition support
White Lions | Omida Logistics
White Lions Sports Support
Omida Team - Volleyball | Omida Logistics
Omida Team - Volleyball Sports Support
Omida Open | Omida Logistics
Omida Open Sports Supporting
Dudkiewicz Hospice | Omida Logistics
Dudkiewicz Hospice Support of the Gdańsk
Omida Logistics Sp. z o.o.
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