Contract Logistics | Omida Logistics

Contract Logistics

Packing, labeling, picking, delivery and returns. Guarantee and optimization of business processes thanks to technology-managed warehouses.

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Contract Logistics - logistics service for businesses

Omida Logistics is a reliable partner in business wishing to provide maximum benefits and support to the contractors

That is why we opened a modern logistics and warehousing facility which meets the requirements of class A warehouses located in Central Europe

Warehouse | Omida Logistics

Modern Warehouse

Our newly built warehouse meets all the requirements for contract logistics services

Location | Omida Logistics

Convenient Location

We are located in a well communicated hub in Warsaw

Space | Omida Logistics

Large Space

Our warehouse with an area of 5500 km2 and a height of 12 meters is able to accommodate up to 6500 pallet positions

Technologies | Omida Logistics

Innovative Technologies

Low stock levels and fewer late shipments through appropriate management

Oure-commerce warehouse has an area of 5.5 thousand square meters and is 12 meters high, making it able to store more than 6,500 pallets already during the first stage of expansion!
Within the contract logistics we guarantee cross-docking, co-packing and co-manufacturing
Below we present the advantages and possibilities of our solution dedicated to various sectors of the economy

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The administrator of your personal data will be Omida Logistics Sp. z o.o.(hereinafter: Omida). You can contact us as follows: by letter to: Aleja Grunwaldzka 472C, 80-309 Gdańsk, by e-mail: or by phone: +48 58 741 88 14. Personal data will be processed in order to prepare offers on Omida products and services. Details about the processing of your personal data are available here.

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Meet the services which will improve your sales network

A standard warehousing service consists only of storing goods. Within our offer of contract logistics we guarantee the implementation of extra operations, such as:

Cross - Docking | Omida Logistics

Cross - Docking

Cross-Docking (receipt and storage of goods for reloading and preparation for further transportation). This service is used by companies whose pallets of goods need to be separated andreassembled before shipping.

Select the CrossDocking service

Cross-Docking (receipt and storage of goods for reloading and preparation for further transportation). This service is used by companies whose pallets of goods need to be separated andreassembled before shipping.

Select the CrossDocking service
Co - Packing | Omida Logistics

Co - Packing

Packaging and labellingof products in accordance with the customers guidelines. This guarantees the customer optimization of costs associated with renting space, hiring staff or buying the necessarytools. The service includes packing, picking and repacking, as well as creating sets.

Select the Co-Packing service

Packaging and labellingof products in accordance with the customers guidelines. This guarantees the customer optimization of costs associated with renting space, hiring staff or buying the necessarytools. The service includes packing, picking and repacking, as well as creating sets.

Co - Manufacturing | Omida Logistics

Co - Manufacturing

Picking products from stored inventory. Within this service the orders are tested, picked, packed, assembled into sets and sent to the recipient. Goods are assembled to a specific customer order from parts supplied from various manufacturers.

Select the Co-Manufacturing service

Picking products from stored inventory. Within this service the orders are tested, picked, packed, assembled into sets and sent to the recipient. Goods are assembled to a specific customer order from parts supplied from various manufacturers.

Processes - Contract Logistics

Thanks to the use of warehouse space and efficient logistics we help our clients. We provide full, comprehensive outsourcing of logistics services.

StageReceipt of goods
  • We will organize a fast and secure transport of goods to the warehouse
  • From the momentwhenyour goods arrive at the warehouse, your shipmentswill undergothe process of unloading and deconsolidation, and then find their way to their proper place on the warehouse racks
Receipt of goods | Omida Logistics
StageDeliveries to the warehouse
  • We will offer palletizing of bags, cartons and other goods requiring palletizing
  • We provide a safe receipt of goods under the supervision of CCTV camera
  • We guarantee the receipt of goods within the framework of the strategy individually determined with our customers, i.e.the receipt as well as qualitative and quantitative control on the level of an item, carton or pallet.
  • At each stage of the process we will provide information about the status of receipt of goods
Deliveries to the warehouse | Omida Logistics
StageStorage of goods
  • We will take care of your inventory and its storage, so that you no longer have to worry about its safety
  • We guarantee tailor-made configurations of storage placesin the warehouse
  • We will store the goods at a guaranteed temperature of 16 to 25°C regardless of external conditions
  • We will provide direct online access to inventory levels
Storage of goods | Omida Logistics
StageRelease of goods from the warehouse
  • We will complete the order in accordance with our customers guidelines
  • We will properly secure the goods before shipping them to their final destination
  • We will offer the settlement of various pallet carriers within the framework of pallet management
  • At each stage of the process we will provideinformation about the status of picking and release of goods
Release of goods from the warehouse | Omida Logistics
  • We will choose the most cost-and time optimal delivery method
  • We will monitor the delivery on regular basis
  • We will help you improve the efficiency of the supply chain logistics for the development of your Business
Deliveries | Omida Logistics
  • We will guarantee the collection ofreturns from points of sale and from your business partners
  • We will prepare a customized procedure for receiving and handling returns on a case-by-case basis
  • Weare ready to help you settle thereturns
Returns | Omida Logistics
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Omida Logistics Sp. z o.o.
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