Logistics and distribution centers have a large amount of storage space, allowing them to accumulate a large number of goods. For their smooth operation, good identification of storage locations, combined with a properly selected WMS system, about which we wrote a little more in our previous posts, is essential.
What is multipicking?
One of the most important activities in e-commerce warehouses is the picking of goods, which involves the warehouseman searching for the goods selected by the customer, simultaneously picking them in a basket with appropriate compartments using the WMS system and preparing the goods for further shipment. If the warehouseman packs many packages at the same time, such a process is called multipicking. If you can't meet the conditions of classic picking, i.e. gathering a large number of orders in one place at the right time and properly completing the goods in the orders, you can try to reduce costs by using multipicking.
What benefits does multipicking generate
This system reduces the risk of errors during order picking and at the same time contributes to a significant acceleration of the entire logistics process in the warehouse.
An employee picking multiple orders in one warehouse uses carts with compartments of different sizes. While moving around the warehouse, the WMS system generates the optimal picking path, and the warehouse worker travels a much shorter distance than in the case of a single one-time picking.
What is the essence of multipicking?
The essence of multipicking is to save time by quickly picking several orders at once. It does not require an employee to visit multiple sections of the warehouse. Picking of goods proceeds at a much faster pace, especially in the case of a large number of small orders. The consequence of implementing WMS-based multipicking is a more efficient operation of the warehouse, and the entire logistics process.
This is exactly how our warehouse works, which allows you to optimize packaging and storage costs. If you would like to know more about this topic then, we encourage you to actively follow our blog or contact us directly via the form on our website.