A transport company is an entity that provides services for the transport of various types of cargo. They are so diverse that special trailers, containers or tanks must be used to transport them. In order to provide cargo transport services, several formal requirements must be met, which will be discussed in today's post.
What is a transport company?
A transport company is engaged in the transport of cargo of various types. Transport is carried out by various types of means, such as:
motor vehicles (including vehicle combinations, consisting of a motor vehicle and a trailer or semi-trailer),
sea and inland vessels,
aircraft vessels.
Within the framework of road transport, an entrepreneur may also provide intermediary services for the transport of goods. Licenses or permits, as a rule, do not apply only to road transport performed by motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a permissible total weight of up to 3.5 tons in road transport. Otherwise, the entrepreneur must meet certain conditions.
What conditions must be met to open a transport company?
In order to open a transport company, it is important to bear in mind that the business of freight transport services, as well as the business of freight brokerage, are legally regulated activities. This means that their performance requires certain conditions:
having a permanent establishment,
possession of certificates of professional competence,
obtaining a permit to practice the occupation of road transport operator,
obtaining a Community license or a license to perform road transport in the field of freight brokerage,
have the financial capacity to ensure liquidity in the conduct of business and minimize the risk of bankruptcy.
It is important to remember that there are various risks involved in running a business. It is necessary to comply with the rules of safety in transport, be responsible for the security of transported property or raw materials, take care of the reliability of documents and environmental protection, implementing the latest technologies in these processes.
What services does a transport company offer?
A transport company, depending on the type of business, can offer a wide range of services. The services that are performed by a transport company makes it necessary to have innovative equipment of various types to improve and maximize the speed of the transport process. Our company offers a very wide range of choices - both for domestic and international transport. Below are some of the transport services offered by our company:
Visit the tab related to transport services. In this tab, you can find detailed descriptions of the types of transport and their advantages. With such a summary of all types of transport, you can easily select a service to suit your needs. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us using our form embedded on the right. We will be more than happy to answer all questions related to the field of transport, logistics and shipping.