Achievements | 28 TFL Ranking | Omida 28 TFL Ranking

28 TFL Ranking | Omida VLS

We are pleased to share with you the success achieved by our company in this year's TFL Ranking. As a result, OMIDA has received recognition and appreciation of outstanding achievements among companies operating in the transport, forwarding and logistics industry in the Polish market.

What is the TFL Ranking?

The TFL Ranking is a significant initiative that focuses on detailed analysis and evaluation of companies related to various aspects of the TFL industry. The companies nominated for the ranking are those characterized by excellence, innovation, revenue growth, service quality and commitment in the area of logistics and transport. It is not only an opportunity to honor the best companies, but also to inspire the entire industry to further improve and raise standards.

We received two awards at the 28th TFL Ranking!

We are proud to announce that OMIDA has been recognized in this year's TFL Ranking. Our company won the prestigious award in the “TFL 2023 Revenue Dynamics” category. This confirms our continued growth and commitment to providing innovative logistics solutions that meet the growing demands of the market.

In addition, it is with great satisfaction that we inform you that OMIDA took third place in the category “Revenue from sea/ocean freight forwarding activities”. This is the result of our team's hard work and efforts to provide the highest quality services in the field of maritime transport.

28 TFL Ranking

Both awards are not only a sign of recognition for us, but also an inspiration to continue striving for excellence. At this point, we would like to sincerely thank the entire OMIDA team for their professionalism, commitment and determination to achieve outstanding results. Thanks to the trust and support of our customers and partners, we have achieved this wonderful success.

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Omida VLS Sp. z o.o.
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